Forums › The Jukebox › New LP lead singer…thoughts?
I for one think they should have lived and let die, personally, no one can replace chester or make them good again EXCEPT chester. Just Sayin’! They made a terrible mistake by signing her, all the die hards are saying it but the new fans are like all for her. ALTHOOOOUGH have they heard chester sing with just CHESTER?! audio focused on just his voice, AMAZING, no one can match that talent….NO ONE!!
well put! ALTHOOOOUGH, as much as i see it as a way to honor his memory i really feel they could have just remastered the rest of the releases at the 20 year anniversaries. Like they already been doing. Instead they chose the worst possible option, she isnt even that good, there is a perfect person who could have replaced him, i dont think they even EXPLORED that option, BECAUSE it was too painful for them, so instead they decide to kill their old fanbase and recreate a new one. well they fucked that up….cuz now everyone who was excited hates them, including 99.99% of their old fanbase, a lot of people have just STOPPED listening to them altogether with mikes voice in it, which i think is where the isolated vocals of chester came into play because he is so friggen legendary. but this is all just imo!! <3~